Amazing. So much potential in this flash.
But... sorry Duch. I did have a couple issues with this flash.
First off, there were some anatomical issues. Sometimes the heads looked a bit too large, or you tried to fit body parts into the camera shot that just weren't meant to be there. Also, sometimes a hand would face the wrong way (the thumbs up), or their bodies just seemed to flat. There were also a couple perspective issues, but no really major ones.
However, there were lots of good points about this flash, that outweigh the problems. Your animation skills are amazing, and inspiring. Not so much your art skills, but your animation skills. Your sense of movement and camera shots is fantastic, I love the way you sped along the desert and through the tunnel.
Your camera shots and angles keep the film interesting, and I really like how you use them. Not a single boring camera shot in the whole film :D
And one thing that is so rare with flash nowadays, is marketing. You market your flash, so, fucking, well. Seriously.
Great music, AWESOME intro, simple yet effective credits and an easy to use menu.
Amazing Duchednier, not only have you pulled off a fantastic animation and series to boot, but you've left me wanting more. You ending hooked me, and I can't wait to see the next one in the series, which I'm sure won't disappoint :P
Love your work, brilliant flash, just work on some of the issues I've talked about. I can't wait to see your next addition to the series, you're a bloody inspiration.