... Huh?
Sorry man.
I'm not rating this based on ANY religious views, this is a total non biased review.
I'm open to people of all religions.
But I am going to say this; This is a pretty bad Flash. And i'm not just saying that, I will justify my answer, not just being a douchebag.
Okay, so, you've decided to spread the word of Jesus through Newgrounds- thats cool, have no problem with that.
You just have to do it properly.
Start off with a well designed layout and menu.
Then onto the music. You need to have constant music going through the whole movie, not just at the start. Good choice of music, just loop it next time.
Secondly, a different pace.
You need to take into account that some people are faster readers than others, and some people are more impatient than others.
Instead of having a movie, with reeeaaally long cutscenes and long text time, have buttons leading onto different parts of it, so that they can skip cutscenes if they just want to view the text, or if the cutscenes too long, or if they've read the text already, and don't want to wait around forever.
Thirdly; content. And lack there of.
Your movie was pretty much a few bible quotes, and really simple tweens that led up to nothing.
Now if you just want quotes, and no actual animation bar tweens, thats fine.
Just add in about 5 more, and like I said, maybe have a menu so people can view them all, or skip through if they've read 'em. And make them quicker
Or if you want to lead up to something, you did it, just too slowly. From the look of you're tweens, you do have some animation talent, just need to use it.
But yeah, not very interesting, only because its too slow.
I reckon you can do a lot better. Keep on going man, don't give up.
Oh, and If people are going to rate my review useless, only because of the fact that I gave this a low score and I'm agnostic, thats just too bad.
I won't take it seriously.
Like I said, I'm totally cool with you guys being Christian, think its pretty brave that you believe in something and aren't afraid to show it, 'specially on Newgrounds.